A Dream Of Adventure

This game ran at Ambercon UK 2016. It is only here for nostalgic reasons.

Game Description

Title:A Dream of Adventure
Players: 6
Mode: Tabletop

Life at the Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans is not a bed of roses; the academic regimen is punishing and the discipline is worse, but it never used to be boring. Few other schools even have a stable-block, and none of them have a Spectrum SPV parked in it, even if it is a little worse for wear. And yet with the Eternal Society gone to Amber with Corwin, the school and everyone it protects is safe. Maybe one day Chaos or Amber might look your way but right now they are content to fight each other. It all seems very quiet after the last few years. So an unexpected request brings a welcome chance to break the monotony and to meet someone new.

A game for six players. Characters comprising teenagers of between 14 and 18 years to be created by the players before the con. For Character design requirements see the right-hand bar.

This is a continuation game; new and returning characters are welcome.

The Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans

The Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans - view from great drive

Set in one hundred, fifty acres of idyllic Californian countryside, the Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans offers a chance in life to those children who are so often failed by the modern world.

Life's tragedies are harsh on all children, but how much harder is it for their intelligence to be quenched by the unfeeling and under-funded behemoth that is the state welfare system? These children, who may be tomorrow's great men and women — scientists or politicians, doctors or artists — are welcomed by the Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans. Whoever they are, whatever their background, we are here to see that they achieve their full potential.

The Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans is a private foundation, funded by private donation. None of our children pay fees of any kind, and all truly gifted children are welcome.

The Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans - riding

But it is not just in school-time that the Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans excels. All of our pupils take part in a wide-ranging programme of activities. Our founder, Carlos Cory, worked his way up from lowly ranch-hand to millionaire horse-breeder. He felt strongly that caring for horses taught many great life-lessons and determined that every pupil of his school be taught to ride. It is a tradition that we are proud to continue to this day. We own thirty horses, which are cared for by the pupils and used by them on frequent outings and vacations. Not to mention their use during lessons as varied as art, genetics and mathematics.

We accept all children who come to us. We have a good relationship with the California State Welfare Department, but many of our children come from other states and even other countries. Some are brought to us privately. Whoever the child is, whatever their background, whatever their needs, however they are gifted, bring them to us. We won't let them down.

October 1986 (click here)

In which, with hardly a break to catch one's breath, an ancient page of doggerel led our intrepid adventurers through six labyrinths and into deep water.

September 1986 (click here)

In which the schools enemies suddenly departed for places unknown, taking everyone's favourite teacher along for the ride.

September 1983 (click here)

In which some kids disappeared for two years and then returned looking exactly the same. For a whole year now they've been sitting in classes with younger kids as if they were abducted by UFOs or something.

September 1982 (click here)

In which the kids foiled murder and piracy on the high seas.

July 1982 (click here)

This year those odd pupils did not come camping, instead they hung around the school being boring. So why do they jump every time a car pulls into the drive. Why have certain of them been heard crying themselves to sleep? And why does Skye Roberts keep staring at John Nelson?

July 1981 (click here)

Everyone had a wonderful time camping in the Sequoia National Forest. There was white water rafting and fire building and survival training and bird watching and all sorts. Of course some guys went off on horse-back right at the beginning and missed everything. Almost everything anyway; when everyone else got evacuated because of the forest fire, they seem to have stayed and helped to fight it. How cool is that? But if the police have no idea who started the fire, how come those pupils say it was a group of really odd women? How likely is that?

July 1980 (click here)

One would think it was difficult to lose someone on an aeroplane, but somehow Miss Trees went missing while chaperoning seven pupils on a visit to the school's benefactor Miss Evelyn Flaumel in New York. They returned some days later on horseback accompanied by Miss Flaumel. Various rumours of alarming and fantastic adventures circulated the school for a while. Nobody believes any of them, although the fact remains that Miss Trees is now scared of elephants, and the smell of oil makes her sick. There is probably some perfectly rational explanation that does not involve prehistoric tar pits, saber-toothed tigers and a New York socialite wielding a longbow. And where does being burned as a witch fit into all that?

There have also been some unexplained events in the past couple of years concerning those pupils. How does someone walk straight past a hall monitor without being seen, or always seem to have exactly enough money for a candy bar? How can someone go out and buy hairspray at midnight and be back twenty minutes later?

Matters Arising

This is an Amber game, set somewhere within the books' sequence, although beginning characters know nothing of Amber, Chaos or anything else, and returning characters know little more.

The date is the 10th of November, 1986.


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They are used without permission for private, low-volume, non-commercial use, in the hope that a little free advertising will satisfy.

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