This game ran at Ambercon UK 2016. It is only here for nostalgic reasons.
Game Description
Title:A Dream of Adventure
Players: 6
Mode: Tabletop
Life at the Carlos Cory School for Gifted Orphans is not a bed of roses; the academic regimen is punishing and the discipline is worse, but it never used to be boring. Few other schools even have a stable-block, and none of them have a Spectrum SPV parked in it, even if it is a little worse for wear. And yet with the Eternal Society gone to Amber with Corwin, the school and everyone it protects is safe. Maybe one day Chaos or Amber might look your way but right now they are content to fight each other. It all seems very quiet after the last few years. So an unexpected request brings a welcome chance to break the monotony and to meet someone new.